15 Free Counselling Options in Edmonton & Online in Alberta

LifeRoots is excited to offer low cost & free counselling online across Alberta, helping individuals navigate anxiety, relationships, neurodiversity, gender, mindfulness, fatigue, burnout, stress, depression, somatic experiences, life transitions, grief, trauma and more, with availability Tuesday through Thursday, afternoons and evenings.

We are offering unlimited weekly or biweekly sessions to clients who join the caseload before it fills, until August 2024. Those who express interest after the caseload fills will be invited to join a waitlist and/ or provided thoughtful referrals to alternate therapists within our community.

We’ve compiled a list of 15 Edmonton and online Alberta counselling practices also offering services for as low as $0, with nominal contributions welcome and appreciated.

15 Practices offering Free Counselling

Available in Edmonton & Online throughout Alberta

LifeRoots Counselling Services liferoots.ca

Collective Healing Centre expandyourroots.ca

BIPOC Healing and Wellness Centre bipochealingcentre.ca

Crossroads Psychological crossroadspsychological.ca

Alliance Counselling & Assessment alliancepsych.ca

ReFocus You refocusyou.ca

Arch Psychological archpsychological.com

Howard Psychological howardpsychological.com

Heartland Psychology heartlandpsychology.com

Schaffer Psychology at 780-910-3420

iMental Health imentalhealth.ca

Pine Integrated Health Centre (Sherwood Park location) pinehealth.ca

Summit Counselling Services summitcs.ca

Innerlogue Therapy & Psychology innerloguetherapy.com

Briarpatch Family Centre briarpatchfamilycentre.com/counselling

Please consider helping share this free resource list with individuals and communities in Edmonton/ Alberta who may value greater access to counselling support ♥

We are available to help dial in which therapist(s) may be best suited to work with you.

15 practice options, each often with multiple therapists offering free therapy, while fantastic in terms of affordability and diverse angles to explore, may be daunting for some to sift through to identify the right therapist fit.

If you would appreciate some support to take a closer look at counselling options within your budget and the greater community, we are happy to provide thoughtful referrals to therapists to fit a range of budgets, areas of need and interests.

Here to help bring a strong path forward into focus.

If you’d like get started this week with a student therapist directly at LifeRoots for either weekly or biweekly low cost or free counselling, you’re welcome to go right ahead and either select a complimentary consultation or select a time for your first counselling appointment during an afternoon or evening time that works for you.

During a consultation or first session—indeed along the entire counselling experience—you are welcome to request support to identify alternate therapists within the community. We are passionate about providing you with empowering options on your journey to healing and growth.

What topics matter most to you in accessing affordable counselling?
