
Glad you found your way here.

Asking for help can feel like a big step.

here you can


with either a

Student Therapist

— or a —

Registered Psychologist

Unclear on your preference?

Let’s start with bringing that into focus.

On your venture to find someone to connect with,
understanding the credentials our therapists hold
is a great place to start.

Student Therapists


skillfully support a range of concerns

gain additional perspective through supervision

reimbursement possible based on benefit provider policies

pay what you can (including $0) sessions available

[regular rate suggested at $60/ 50 minutes]

Registered Psychologists


registered with the College of Alberta Psychologists

expanded therapeutic skilset, refined & developed

through advanced trainings and years of experience

direct billing may be provided

[$220/ 50 minutes]

Student Therapists offer affordable therapy as they refine their skills within key areas of passion.

Mikayla Stoica — Student Therapist

“Breath in calmness.”

Creating a space of acceptance and collaboration is central to how Mikayla offers therapy. She is passionate about fostering a sense of oasis where you can speak openly and be heard, experience your emotions as held, and feel free of judgement. Envisioning herself as a fellow traveller alongside you, Mikayla values the insight and expertise you already have on your unique life experience, and joins you in bringing caring attention to topics and themes that matter most to you.

She values healing through storytelling, being present with her clients as they shift the narratives within their lives. She offers opportunities to practice resting in a grounded neutral awareness of the present through exploring breathing techniques, mindfulness, somatic experiences, visual imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, as well as bilateral stimulation and tapping as routes to support the mind-body connection and grow emotional regulation skills, in line with the angles of exploration of greatest interest to each client.

Mikayla is a queer and poly-friendly therapist and welcomes clients navigating anxiety, panic attacks, depression, grief and healing trauma. She also has a special interest in working with clients who are navigating neurodiversity, expanding upon strengths, building intentional routines, initiating and articulating themselves within personally meaningful conversations, and those looking for ways to effectively release lingering thought patterns.

discover support that


with your path forward

Lindsay Redman — Registered Psychologist

Passionate about exploration of inner experiences as valuable paths toward growth and deepened connections in life, Lindsay invites the wisdom of the body/ nervous system to join in healing conversation.

Joining clients in powerfully acknowledging ideas, thoughts, feelings, physical sensations—impulses to move, the full gamut—Lindsay attentively adjusts the pace and focus of sessions moment-to-moment, guiding curiosity to flow, allowing space for insights to appear, and providing opportunities to shift and feel through emotions gently, in real-time making way for greater feelings of security, contentment and purposeful fulfillment.

Lindsay invites new clients deepening connections in numerous aspects of life including creative and artistic pursuits, career exploration, processing grief/ loss, relationship with movement/ play/ rest, and meaningful relationships with others, brings experience working collaboratively with clients within a feminist, poly / queer friendly, neurodiversity and gender affirming counselling approach, as well as working with adult clients navigating a new autism diagnosis or considering pursuit of an autism assessment.

After years of offering EMDR to interested clients, Lindsay has developed an especial affinity to incorporating Somatic Experiencing into an eclectic counselling style.

Lindsay is currently accepting new clients located in Alberta for online counselling, with lunch hour and expanded evening and Saturday availability.

“Presence and connection
lead to growth.”

You are also welcome to request thoughtful referrals to alternate therapists in the community.

Experience the ease

that comes naturally

with knowing

you’re well supported.

We’re here to help

bring a strong path forward into focus.

Let’s find you a suitable therapist to embark with.
