Free & Affordable Counselling

for those impacted by the Jasper wildfire

& individuals located across Alberta

Expanding accessibility of counselling for everyone.

Perhaps you’re reeling from having been evacuated from the wildfire in Jasper. You may be looking for resources for hosting evacuees in Alberta, or are otherwise helping or feeling the real impact of the wildfires in Alberta.

Or, maybe you’ve been weathering your own metaphorical storm and have felt unnoticed and alone for long enough, and are searching for where you may put down an anchor.

Your experience is valid.

Your story matters.

We believe your access to support matters, too.

Currently accepting new clients.

Attend weekly or biweekly counselling sessions

with masters student therapist Mikayla Stoica.

[  $0 – $60  ]


No one turned away for lack of funds.

Simply tell us what affordable looks like for you.

healing happens

when we have someone

to speak to, listen and

share caring support.

Frequently Asked Questions

neurodiversity affirming.

gender affirming.

queer & poly friendly. 

More questions?

Please let us know!
